Thursday, February 27, 2014

27 Weeks

 I know I say this each week, but where is the time going!? This little man is going to be here before we know it, I sure hope we're ready! (I guess I should probably register...both at the hospital and for baby an attempt to prepare us for his arrival.) 

A new song obsession + lonesome nights in a hotel room (I was in Chicago for work for a few days) = new Flipagram slideshow!
I've watched it more times that I care to admit, but it's fun to take a trip down memory lane and reminisce about the fun times that led us to where we are...husband and wife and parents-to-be! Louis V can look back on it someday and see how young and fun his parents once were. ;)

This week...

Berta put in time as a working girl 
(more like a snoring girl)

Decided next to me wasn't close enough, she needed to be on top of me

Wrigley and Berta laid on the guilt trip when I left town 
(and Wrigley did his best to prevent me from packing) 
Izzy and Berta showed that we're still waiting for Spring

I got to see my wifey in Chicago!!
I came home to a care package from a great friend, Danielle, who happens to be a super-mama of 3 (so she's a wealth of baby knowledge!)

And Izzy was just being Izzy

That's our week in a frozen nutshell!

Kicking off Trimester #3 with some Q&A:

How far along: 27 weeks! Third tri, here we come!
Baby is the size of a: Head of cauliflower/cucumber - he's over 2 lbs and about 15" long. He is registering brain activity now, probably at an Einstein level like his mama (thank you, online IQ test, for giving me that designation. I'll let dad tell you his designation if he's willing. ;))
Maternity clothes: Same story here, but I did score some great items in Chicago that will hopefully take me through the home stretch!
Stretch marks: Nope.
Belly button in or out: In, barely?!
Sleep: Been feeling a bit more tired these days, so sleep is doing me well. Interruptions from bathroom breaks and leg cramps, but mostly good!
Best moment this week: Lots of great moments -- first and foremost, I was offered and accepted a new job with Russell Construction! My dad and I are joining forces with the great company so they can develop and advance their foothold in real estate. A very exciting opportunity that starts on Monday!! Also, I got to see two great friends while in Chicago. Catching up with Meg and Katy were definitely highlights of the week! Last but not least, I may have added a pair of gorgeous shoes to my closet and that always qualifies as a "best moment". 
Worst moment this week: Freezing my face off walking downtown Chicago. This winter is THE WORST.
Miss anything: Not especially, just REALLY anxious for warm weather.
Movement: Louis V is partying like crazy in there these days! Day, night, it doesn't matter to him, he's just kickin' it...literally. Also, I felt his little hiccups for the first time last night, it was so adorable!
Cravings: I swear Diet Coke tastes better when you're pregnant. 
Queasy or sick: Feeling pretty darn good still.
Baby items of the week: LV now has a "King of the Castle" onesie that is oh-so-fitting...although Dad might beg to differ. He will also be telling the world that "Someone in Chicago loves me" thanks to the great onesie from Meg. Lastly, the care package from Danielle was amazing--she even sent a detailed email of what was included and why. GOLD to a new-to-motherhood mama like me!!
Looking forward to: Starting my new job! And, hopefully, starting to register for the little guy!

*I apologize if I forgot anyone/anything...I've had a busy day thus far, but wanted to get this posted to make Baba's day! ;)

1 comment:

  1. Better late than never - I always look forward to the new blog post on Thursday morning! I know you've been a bit busy this morning so I'll forgive you!
    LOVE the flipagram slideshow!! First of all, LOVE John Legend and that song, but this pics are awesome too! I totally forgot how Ian looked with all that hair!! ;-) Just think how precious the slideshow will be a year from now!!!! It just keeps getting better!
    I loved the little bit of time we got to spend together in Chicago in between your work!! It was all wonderful except for the BITTER cold! Walking the streets of Chicago with -20 wind chills - not good!!! Spring cannot come soon enough!
    LOVE the blog as usual!! My little Louis V will be here before we know it and I CAN'T WAIT!!!
