Thursday, February 20, 2014

Week 26

While our weekly count grows higher, our daily countdown is dwindling. As of yesterday, we officially hit single digits for days left until Louis V's due date! 

I hope he knows that the end date is non-negotiable, I am not interested in a holdover.
Although, I am willing to entertain the idea of him vacating long as it's not on May 17th! 

The big news this week is that our house is officially on the market! You know, because the idea of moving and being homeless for several months is a really good idea when you're pregnant/have a newborn. Aside from those minor details, we're really excited about the plan to build the home where we'll start our new life as a family of 7! 
(Yes, I count my pets. And yes, Ian, they are coming with.) 

 We have our first showing on Saturday, wish us luck!

We received the most creative, hilarious and adorable gift this week courtesy of Aunt Jannine (with creative assistance from Cousin Kristina). It came from the T-Shirt Deli in Chicago -- if you've never seen or heard of this place,  you should definitely check it out:

Your order comes like this: 
And inside we found this:
 SO FABULOUS! This could not be more perfect. :) Move over, artist formerly known as Prince, the baby formally known as Louis V is on his way! 

Monday marked the one year anniversary of Grandma Smith's passing. She is missed dearly and I'm so sad that she will never get to see me as a mom or meet our little guy. But, we continue to cherish the wonderful memories we have of her and I am SO incredibly fortunate to have made so many during my 18+ years as her neighbor. We love and miss you, Grandma!

Other than that, we're just hanging out...

...and still digging out...
  ...while we wait for Spring! 

I'll warn you now, this week's Q&A is pretty lame. 
Turns out, week 26 is basically week 25 on repeat.
How far along: 26 weeks
Baby is the size of a: head of lettuce - there isn't much in the way of baby growth this week, he's about the same size he was last week. (Boring!) But, the network of nerves in his ears is better developed and more sensitive this week... so, I hope he enjoyed my rendition of One Direction's "Story of my Life" at the top of my lungs on the way home from work the other day. ;) Also, his eyes are gearing up to open and he now has eyelashes! (Glad one of us does, mine seem to be MIA lately.)
Weight gain: The doctor's scale told me 25lbs today. I may have to take the advice of Sarah S. and get on backwards from now on!
Maternity clothes: Still the same wardrobe--maternity pants, regular tops. 
Stretch marks: Nope.
Belly button in or out: In, but very shallow! (Still.)
Sleep: The body pillow has been fabulous! I could've done without him using my ribs as monkey bars last night though.
Best moment this week: Hearing his little heartbeat this morning and having my mom along for the fun! (Fingers crossed that I pass the glucose test.)
Worst moment this week: The brutal acid reflux (or whatever it is) I get when I bend over and when I lay down for bed. The blizzard on Monday wasn't fun either.
Miss anything: Having a tan!
Movement: He's a mover! People say that the kicks will get old after awhile, but for now I will continue to enjoy each and every one he gives me. :) (Although, I would prefer it if he would leave my ribs alone, that isn't as fun.)
Cravings: Sweets, but probably no more than I usually do. I could really use a cookie cake with extra frosting!
Queasy or sick: I've had a few moments of feeling "eh" these past couple days/during the night, but nothing too terrible. Still incredibly thankful for the ease of this pregnancy!
Baby items of the week: The creative and adorable onesie shown above, obviously, and I pulled the trigger on the first batch of outfits from Zulily.
They were all too perfect to pass up!
 Looking forward to: Volunteering at the Up With Families retreat Saturday night. And, hopefully, selling our house soon!

In honor of Love Your Pet Day, here are our oh-so-lovable pets:
I kinda, sorta love them just a little. :)

1 comment:

  1. Every single week I just shake my head at how dang cute this blog is! Thank you SO much for allowing me to accompany you to the doctor's appointment today! It made my week! LOVED IT!!! The excitement is building! Our little Louis V will be here before we know it which means so will spring!!!!!!!!!! :-)
