Thursday, March 6, 2014

28 Weeks!

And we've hit 7 months!! I'm still trying to come to grips with the fact that it is now MARCH and we'll have a baby in MAY (assuming he isn't stubborn and waits until June)...both exciting and scary!

Now that I've hit the 28 week mark, it's time for me to trek to the hospital and get my Rhogam shot. Nothing major, I just have to get it because I have a negative blood type (despite being a very positive person!!), and in the event the baby has a positive blood type, this shot prevents my body from creating antibodies that will attack the protein in his blood (which is missing from mine)...or something like that. You can Google it for more accurate information, but you catch my drift. ;)

Side Note:
The fabulous shirt I'm sporting this week is courtesy of the super sweet and incredibly awesome Michelle Russell. Her charity, Live Uncommon, is the lead sponsor of our upcoming Humane Society fundraiser this weekend, so I wanted to give her and it a shout-out! 
Visit to learn more -- 
amazing people doing amazing things. 
I can't thank her enough for the shirt and the support.
(For those observant readers, I switched sides for the photo this week to showcase the Live Uncommon logo and detail of my shirt. I couldn't show the full potential from the other side!)  

This week we ventured out on the town for my dear friend's surprise 30th birthday. It was a bumptastic time:
Yep, you are seeing correctly, we are all pregnant!! There are actually 9 people in this photo...Wendi is having twins! :) Very exciting times shared among friends. Jess, the birthday girl, is already a mama, so I'm sure the rest of us will be counting on her for some helpful tips. 
2014: the year of the baby!


My feet are quickly disappearing from view, but I'm still logging miles on the treadmill the best I can:
 I signed up for the St. Patrick's Day 5K next Saturday, I'm hoping to finish in 30 minutes, but we'll see how it goes!

Berta continues to bond with the baby belly:
 And we continue to count the days left until Louis V's arrival...84!!

I started my new job this week and it has been fabulous. Everyone I've met has extended a very warm welcome and I feel right at home. I'm thrilled with the move and very excited about what's to come. :) 

 My friends, much like cookie cake, are THE BEST! Thank you, Maggie and Wendy, for the sweet treat. :)

Also, in honor of the new gig (and my new shoes from last week), my mom snagged this awesome, new phone cover for me:
Now I just need the weather to cooperate so I can wear my shoes and start conquering the world!

In other, photo-less news, we've had two house showings already and four more are scheduled for the next couple days. I owe my AMAZING mama a ton of thanks for shoveling our front walk yesterday before a showing (yes, it was March 5th and we got another 2+ inches of snow) and for taking Berta for a spin while the potential buyers viewed the house. I don't know what I'd do without her!! We're really hoping one of these showings seals the deal, having a house on the market (with pets) is a bit stressful and I'm ready to sell it and move on! Wish us luck. :) 

Marching forward with some Q&A:
How far along: 28 weeks
Baby is the size of an: Eggplant. My apps tell me that he's getting fatter and smarter this week! He can also blink his little eyes and sense changes to light.
Weight gain: Last I checked, I hadn't gained any since my last doctor's appointment. A refreshing change, but I'm sure it's no longer true. 
Maternity clothes: Still the same story here. I went back to a few non-maternity pants and the belly band this week, but only because my options are limited with maternity work pants (I only have a few pair).
Stretch marks: Another week in the NO column.
Belly button in or out: In, barely!
Sleep: I've been sleeping pretty well this week, especially considering the new job excitement. I'm cherishing it while I can!
Best moment this week: Starting the new job...and hopefully I can add "selling the house" shortly! ;) 
Worst moment this week: March. More snow.
Miss anything: My shelter pet friends, I've been too busy lately to make it out there. :(
Movement: Lots of kicking, more hiccups and, Tuesday night, lots of contractions/tightening of the uterus. I kind of got nervous for a little bit because it kept tightening while we were watching TV. But, it stopped and I have only felt the occasional tightness since. Whew. More kicks, less contractions, please!
Cravings: Crackers and cheese sounded really good this week, so I got a stash for the office. And I'm craving more cookie cake, you can never have enough!
Queasy or sick: My stomach has started bugging me this past week or so. It comes and goes day and night, rather annoying, but I still feel lucky that I've felt so great for so long.
Baby items of the week: While at Babies R Us registering (can you say OVERWHELMING!?), I found this adorable onesie on clearance for $3 -- I love pitbulls and glasses, so it was a must:
We still have a long ways to go to have our registry complete, but a HUGE thank you to Jess for helping me get started on the right path! 
Looking forward to: Bowl-for-a-Buddy, our annual fundraiser for the Humane Society of Scott County, on Sunday afternoon. I'll be the one who appears to be smuggling a bowling ball under her shirt. ;) 

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