Thursday, April 24, 2014

35 Weeks

35 Weeks...also known as the milestone where the doctors will no longer prevent labor should it begin (scary!!!) and


Seriously. I spill on the bump EVERY day. Perhaps I should invent bibs for moms-to-be, guess it's not just babies who need them!

And of course it's smack-dab in the middle of my shirt. Maybe it draws attention away from the belly button?? :)
This week we did a little more prepping for the baby -- Ian put together the playmat which Izzy promptly claimed as her own. Guess we're going to have to teach her to share! 
(In her defense, it is covered in fish and she is a hunter.)
 Speaking of teaching, hopefully Louis V will teach her proper etiquette when being held...this was right before she treated Ian's hand like a chew and claw toy. Oh, Izzy, our little monster.

Kip practiced his job as doorman/did his best monkey impression!

And even though it's not warm enough to swim yet, we got the pool open and running this weekend!

Looks oh-so-inviting, right?!

Berta's "I hate swimming" face.

While she doesn't enjoy going into the water, she does enjoy drinking it off the cover. (Gross!)

She attempts to look ashamed to be drinking the green nastiness, but we all know she's not.

After the cover was off, us belly buddies decided to get some sun! The wonderful thing about being this pregnant is that you just don't care about letting it all hang out. The not so wonderful can't roll over, so I got a lovely half-tan. :) I cannot tell you how amazing the warm sunshine felt after 7 months of winter even if it did turn my front half red and left my back half white!

Berta and her belly enjoying a lazy Sunday.

We finished the weekend with a delicious Easter meal at the Belby house, it was a great day! 

Starting this week, the runs got slower and shorter, but I'm still going!!

Another week down and next week's post will be kicking off 

Question and Answer Time:
How far along: 35 weeks
Baby is the size of a: Coconut, this will be the one and only time I will love coconut! His hearing is fully developed, his circulatory and musculoskeletal (whatever that is) systems are complete and his lungs are mature. And while he's not growing too much more in length from here on out, he is getting fatter by the day!
Weight gain: I'm not sure, hopefully not much! I'm told by my app that my uterus has officially grown to be 1,000 times the size it originally was, it feels like the rest of me followed suit. All for a great cause, so I won't complain. :)
Maternity clothes:  Different week, same answer. Today's bump photo dress is a roomy, non-maternity gem from Target.
Stretch marks: And more of the same here, still a no.
Belly button in or out: No change, still weirdly an innie-outie.
Sleep: I have periods of insomnia (usually after trip #5 to the bathroom) where my brain runs through a million things I need to do, none of which are so important that they should keep me from sleeping. But, some nights, I'm able to sleep great...other than the 8 pee breaks.
Best moment this week: Finishing childbirth class and getting a little tan while opening the pool.
Worst moment this week: Saying goodbye to my mama as she headed to Vegas. Hearing her say "Call me IMMEDIATELY if you go into labor" and knowing it could possibly happen was frightening!! I'm pretty confident Louis V will keep baking while she's away though. :)
Miss anything: Not spilling on myself. And missing having more energy.
Movement: It feels as though he's doing the YMCA on repeat in there!
Cravings: No cravings. I'm definitely running out of room in there, too.
Queasy or sick: Nope!  
Baby items of the week: This ADORABLE outfit for newborn photos, I'm ridiculously excited about it:
 Also, our car seat and stroller came, so as Ian pointed out, we can actually have the baby now because we have a way to bring him home! (But, he made it clear he still wasn't ready.) Lastly, I got an adorable "baby bouquet" from my former co-worker, Stacy. I was too excited to pull the goodies off the skewers that I forgot to take a photo of it!
Looking forward to: A weekend of co-hosting celebrations! Friday night we're celebrating Wendi and the Geller twins and Saturday is all about the bride-to-be, Maggie! Let's hope I can make it through a baby shower, bridal shower and bachelorette party (complete with party bus) in one piece! 
I'm already excited for a nice cat-nap on Sunday. ;)

 I'm also looking forward to celebrating my boo's birthday on Tuesday!

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