Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Week 31

We've arrived at Week 31 which means the weekly countdown to parenthood is now in SINGLE DIGITS!!

As I told you last week, we had our 3D ultrasound appointment last Thursday. It was...interesting. Louis V did not want to cooperate AT ALL. He totally had his face smashed against the placenta and put the cord between himself and the wand to further obstruct our view of his little mug. We tried lots of rolling around, prodding, shaking of the belly, etc., but we didn't have much luck convincing him to move.
Finally, a second ultrasound tech came in and maneuvered him around so we could get a look at his face.

Slightly frightening, but also pretty awesome to see our little man growing and living inside of me. Not gonna lie though, he kinda reminded me of Gollum and I really hope that isn't still true when he's born. ;)

Next up on the social calendar was a friend's baby shower. It was a bumptastic event!
The bump crew was in full effect -- Wendi is due in August (with twins!), the showered mama-to-be, Amy, is due in June, I'm due a week before her in May, Jess is due in August with a baby girl and Abby is due in August! Not pictured are two other bump crew attendees, both of whom are due in May. We are quite the reproduction crew! :)

Ian and I celebrated selling our house with a yummy dinner at one of our favorite restaurants, Red Lantern, and I got this oh-so-perfect fortune at the end:

We also spent time working on design and finish ideas for the new house, or at least we tried to, but Wrigley felt that the only possible spot for him to lay was on top of the plans and in front of the computer...what a good helper. 

He also assisted with watching TV.
And served as a lap warmer at dinner time.
(In our house, you never dine alone!)

And, like the rest of us, voiced his displeasure about the cold and snow!!

Spring is here?!

Guess not, back to hibernating.

Then, when more snow came, Berta really gave up and refused to face the day. Izzy was very concerned.

She was also concerned that Ian's neck might get cold while watching a movie in bed, so she sprawled her fat self out to keep him warm. 
(She has no respect for personal space.)

And that's a wrap for our week of hanging out!
(Literally, if you're Kip. Berta is wondering when we adopted a monkey.) 

Answers to the weekly questions:
How far along: 31 weeks
Baby is the size of a: Pineapple, yum! He's now measuring up to 16.7 inches long and weighs up to 3.8 pounds (about the same weight of pineapple his dad can consume in one sitting). Louis V is going through major brain, nerve and eye development this week...and all five of his senses are in working order! Also, his bones are hardening at this stage (except his skull, thank goodness). And just like with the last few weeks, he's continuing to get smarter.
So, of course, he had to have this:
Weight gain: I hit 30lbs at my appointment last week, wonderful. 
Maternity clothes:  No new maternity purchases...fingers crossed I can continue to do the mix-and-match thing for the remaining 9 weeks!  
Stretch marks: Belly is still clear of these.
Belly button in or out: A spot from my belly button piercing sticks out a little, but the actual button is still in...and Ian likes to push it. :)
Sleep: I feel like I'm going to curse myself by answering this so positively, but sleep is still going very well. We've been going to bed earlier again, but seeing as everyone keeps saying, "Get your sleep now!", we're not feeling too guilty about lights out at 8:45PM. ;)
Best moment this week: Officially signing on the dotted line of the offer for our house! And learning that my incredibly wonderful parents are going to house us in the meantime so that we don't have to live in a van down by the river. (To be fair, Ian's parents are also incredibly wonderful and generously offered to let us stay with them as well. I just couldn't turn down the offer of having my own mother's helpful hands under the same roof as I learn the ropes of motherhood.) I have a feeling we'll be spending lots of time at both grandparents' houses since we won't have one of our own! 
Worst moment this week: Old Man Winter continuing to show his ugly face--it snowed on Tuesday and we had near record lows on Wednesday. I'm really starting to believe that it's going to be cold forever.
Miss anything: Rolling over in bed without being winded.
Movement: Louis V is one squirmy wormy these days! Unfortunately, he thinks the best time to dance and party is in the middle of the night (that's when he busts out his best moves), so I'm hoping he gets straightened out when he arrives...middle of the night dance parties are long in the past for this girl!
Cravings: Woke up this morning seriously craving a citrusy smoothie. (Maybe the result of the pineapple baby in my belly?) Why can't I live in a place with a Tropical Smoothie store!?! Really tempted to hop a plane to Vegas and get 10 of them. 
Queasy or sick: Feeling pretty good this week, the acid reflux is MIA (knock on wood) and I hope it stays that way!  
Baby items of the week: We got our first shower gift in the mail -- fabulous swaddle blankets!! I'm so excited. :) Big thanks to Uncle Steve and Aunt Ann for spoiling LV!
Looking forward to: Maternity photos this weekend!! I'm hoping it doesn't snow...and that I can find something to wear.

1 comment:

  1. LOVE LOVE LOVE!!! How cute do you look?!! I hope you can survive without your fur babies living under the same roof as you!! :-( At least the kitties will be right next door!! LV will keep you very busy so it won't seem as bad!!! LOVE my little pineapple!!!!
