Sunday, June 8, 2014

2 Week Update

I've been asked if I'm going to keep up the blog and my intention is to do so, I just hope I can keep up! It's hard to believe it's been 2 weeks since our little jellybean was born, time flies when you're having fun (and not sleeping)! 

Once he finally arrived after his stubborn and dramatic entrance (you can read about that here if you care to), we instantly fell in love.

Tristan must've been a little nervous that we were going to be taking care of him on our own, without the help of nurses, because this is the face he gave us when we packed him up to head home!

 He settled right in though, luckily. That face just melts me!!

 Kip doesn't want him to be lonely, so he sleeps close by (and often has to be prompted to move when we need his "bed" to change Tristan's diaper). He's also protected by his very own pet (stuffed) beagle, Redd, a gift from a fellow beagle lover!

 And, of course, he knows when it's game time! He's been listening to the Mets since he was in the womb, he listened to them during labor, and watched them during his first days of life in the hospital, so it's only fitting that he starts watching them with Daddy at home. Unfortunately, they are utterly pathetic. I've already apologized and told him he's welcome to pick a new team when he's old enough to know better. ;)

 Izzy thinks he meows funny...

  ...and wonders where his whiskers and tail are.

 Looking adorable in his new onesie from Jess.
 Thanking Daddy for getting him so fresh and so clean, clean!

 Daddy is already a master multi-tasker, he can hold the baby and play MarioKart at the same time! 
(With his own furry cheer section to boot.)

And a collection of cell phone pics because they are too cute not to post! 
(in no particular order)

Handsome fella with his parted hair!
 Getting covered in kisses.
 What a face.
 Taking his first bath at home like a champ.
 Just hanging out, watching the game.
 She sure does!!
 One week old!
Enjoying bath time with Daddy.
 Post-bath, about to need another one...
The reason for needing another one. 
 Serious side-eye.
 Smile! Woof!
 Got a great report from his 2 week check-up, still a jellybean, but getting taller!
 Business casual for his visit to the Arsenal and Russell!
 Just being comfy.
 Computer nerd time. ;)
 Out for a walk!
 Our first outing, we survived three stores--he slept the whole time!
 Flexing those milk muscles.
 Cutest Hawkeye fan ever!
 Doing the froggy pose on Daddy.
 Milk drunk.
 It doesn't get much better than this!!
 Tummy time, with a little encouragement from Berta.

I may be a tad biased, but I think this little guy is as awesome as they come, and pretty dang cute too!

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