Thursday, January 30, 2014

Week 23!

It's Thursday, that means it's time to flip the page on another week...23!

Despite the fact that the week seemed to fly by in the blink of an eye, we did manage to fill it doing things like:

Eating green smoothies.

Cleaning up dad's spilled green smoothie. 
(Don't worry, Ian disinfected the countertop after!) 



Playing with shelter pets. 

 Boycotting going outdoors to go potty. (It was -40...again.)

More snuggling.

More napping. 


Eating Jason Smith pizza at Bob's Your Uncle. 

 Taking Louis V to his first Iowa basketball game.

 Cheering on our beloved Hawkeyes (and then having a discussion with LV about the importance of free throw shooting.)

 Eating Carver-Hawkeye ice cream. 
(It's the silver lining to the night after losing the game by 2 in overtime.)

"Helping" mommy get ready for work.

 Injuring mommy in the process.
(Or maybe he was just trying to get inside to visit Louis?)
 PS. That is not a stretch mark down and left from the cat scratch, it's my shark bite scar (also known as the reason for my retirement from bike riding.)

I don't have a picture to show for it, but yesterday Ian underwent his first round of gum surgery. Poor guy can't eat much and has to wear a retainer to protect the roof of his mouth where they took tissue and used it for his gums. I did feel a little guilty eating leftover pizza in front of him last night, but Baba saved the night by dropping off some Whitey's. :) He even shared a few bites with me (okay, maybe I had more than a few) -- I foresee another salted caramel shake in the near future. We're hoping for a speedy recovery!
And that's how we spent week 23, never a dull moment!

Question and Answer Corner:
How far along: 23
Baby is the size of a: Mango or grapefruit. He's almost a foot long and weighs up to 20 ounces! They say we might be able to see him squirm now, crazy! His face is almost fully formed at this point, now he just needs to fatten up to fill it out! He's more aware now and thanks to a fully formed cochlea (the inner ear mechanism that houses all the components of hearing), he can hear us talking (although it's a little muffled in there)...that means he's now learning just how funny his mama is, right, dad? ;)
Weight gain: The scale is holding steady this week, whew. 
Maternity clothes: Still on a quest to find work pants that fit well. Very thankful for free shipping and free returns these days! 
Stretch marks: I don't see any yet.
Belly button in or out: In, but I can tell it's starting to make its way out!
Sleep: The back soreness is annoying, I'm thinking it might be time to try out a body pillow.
Best moment this week: I had another fun day popping into the Humane Society to visit my buddies (and stumbled upon an ADORABLE beagle being surrendered) and the trip to Iowa City for the basketball game was a lot of fun. Had they won, it'd take the cake for the best! (Mmm, cake.)
Worst moment this week: Watching Iowa shoot free throws. (And trying to get my sick kitty better, fingers crossed!)
Miss anything: Having clothes that fit to wear to work. It takes a little longer to get ready in the morning now. I will add in what I don't miss though, shedding like a Newfie in the shower! It's so much nicer washing my hair when half of it isn't shedding onto my hands...even if I only do it twice a week. ;)
Movement: No big change here. I hate those long stretches of not feeling anything, it makes me nervous!
Cravings: Still eating lots of green smoothies. Crackers and cheese have sounded really good to me this week, too. And now I'm craving another salted caramel Whitey's shake, man was that good.
Queasy or sick: Still nothing on this front.
Baby items of the week: Baba found an adorable little outfit on the sale rack at Von Maur, it was too cute for her to pass up, so that'll be making its way into his closet of little clothes. :) Maternity clothes on order are baby-related, but not nearly as fun. Let me tell you, shopping for clothes is way more fun when it's not done out of necessity to find something that fits over your buddha baby belly!
Looking forward to: The Puppy Bowl. :) 

 Random site note:
I got an email today from our vet office wishing Berta a happy birthday. I'm not sure where this came from -- we adopted her on July 14th and I would've never picked a cold, winter day as the arbitrary date on which she should celebrate her birthday. But, I think it must've been meant to be because she ended up getting a present today from someone she's never met! A great big THANK YOU to Sharron Solis for the squeaky football, Berta will be sure to play with it (or least nap with it) on Super Bowl Sunday!

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