Monday, November 24, 2014

6 months old!

Happy Half Birthday to our amazing little man!
"So, since it's my half birthday, I get presents, right?"
"What do you mean that video game that's coming today is for Daddy?"

"You've got something better than video games for me? Do tell!"
"SHEEP, we're going to Vegas!!!" 
 "If he won't fit in the overhead compartment, I'll just kiss his toes goodbye."

 You only celebrate your first half birthday once, so why not do it in Vegas! (I'm not a regular mom, I'm a cool mom.)
So, since my first flight with an infant is only a few hours away, I will leave you with this:
At 6 MONTHS, Tristan... crawling like crazy!! No more setting him down and leaving the room, he is drawn to electrical cords and hard surfaces.
...talks and babbles up a storm!
...loves splashing in the bathtub, and has outgrown his bath insert. especially ticklish under his right armpit. :)
...still likes to see Mommy every 3 hours during the night to chow.
...does a great gorilla impression when crawling/trying to walk.
...lets us know when he wants to be picked up by reaching out his arms.
...loves his Lexi kitty.
...has the biggest, brightest eyes that are always curious and taking everything in!
...has the appetite of a hippo.
...blows raspberries with the best of 'em.
...started eating cereal and does great (despite half ending up on his face and outfit)!
...the happiest, cutest, funniest, smartest and greatest baby in the world!!
I'm sure I'm forgetting some key things for this milestone birthday, but Tristan is currently trying to eat the computer cord, so I'm going to have to call it a day!
We're off to Vegas, baby!!

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