Friday, October 24, 2014

He's a Handful!

Me?! A handful?!
Yes, of months, that is!
Happy five-month Friday to this little guy:

Pictures are MUCH harder to do now that 1) he doesn't sit still, and 2) he wants to eat his sheep.

(He's cute no matter what, but the photo quality is less than stellar. Maybe next month!)
And since it's almost Halloween, we had to do some in costume.

At FIVE MONTHS, Tristan...
...sits up on his own and stays up.
...wants to crawl SO badly! He's mastered the rocking on his hands and knees. He can move backwards, just not forwards
...thoroughly enjoys diaper changes. VERY ticklish!
...belly laughs with the best of them (goes hand-in-hand with the above statement).

...drools more than a bulldog.
...weighs 16+ lbs, with most of it residing in his belly and upper thighs.

...has a personality bigger than said belly and thighs. :)
...does a mean pterodactyl impression (he needs to work on his mating call, as daddy likes to say).
...may be sporting a chomper soon!
...pees a lot. Especially in the bathtub. an animal-lover like his mama! He is fascinated by pets, and thinks cat tails are a delicatessen.
...has a staring problem. ;)
...has an alarm clock in his belly that you could set your watch to.
...does NOT like to sit still, he's a mover!
...can put down a large milkshake (aka a 10-ounce bottle) in one sitting.
...spins in circles on his belly. 

...continues to be an incredibly happy baby. a little thief, stealing hearts like nobody's business! 

And because it's Friday, here are some videos to start your weekend off with a smile: 

Turn up the volume and be prepared to laugh:

The toughest decision a baby has to make, to sleep or to play:
Getting ready to GO, GO, GO!
And some captured cuteness over the past month:

 Gimme FIVE for this awesome guy!

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