Wednesday, September 24, 2014

4 Months.

 Happy 4 month old!
I'm so cute!
Do you think I'm cute, too?
You're right, I am the cutest.  
 Cute & Spunky!

At 4 Months, Tristan...

...weighs in at 15lb 10.5 oz (66%).

...measures 25.25in tall (63%).

...has a big brain in a little head (only 25% for head size).

...has smiles for miles.

...has cheeks for weeks.

...loves to get his roll on (in both directions)!

...belly laughs with the best of 'tem!

...decided sleeping isn't his thing.

...must have a hollow leg for as much as he eats!

...can sit up on his own with a toy in front of him.

...enjoys bath time (and peeing in the tub).

...drools like a bulldog. a natural born flirt.

...melts hearts at daycare!

...finds his toes fascinating and his fingers delicious!

...talks our ears off. the happiest baby on the block!

...makes us wonder how we got so lucky. :)

T-Max, even with 10 days of no sleep, I still wouldn't trade my life with you for anything in the world. Thanks for being the most fabulous 4 month old ever!

And now for a month's worth of photos (and videos) to show all the fun we have with the best thing that ever happened to us.
Football family.
The cutest little Hawkeye!
And the cutest Buffalo Bill fan, too!
One tired baby.
Like, reeeeally tired.
Simply irresistible.
Mommy's little pigskin!
The best of friends with the best of babies.
Future best friends - Tristan, Hadley, Brady, Jack and Gwynnie!
Planning their first trip to Vegas in 18 years.
[Or maybe Tristan was telling Brady he didn't like his Yankees tshirt!? ;)]
Double-fisting with the Geller twins, SO precious!!
Loads of laughs at lunch!
Football first; nap later.
Our little world traveler, he started on his back by the hot air balloon!
Smiles for Iowa!
Enjoying some fresh air with his adorable sister, Berta.
Selfie smiles. :)
Sleepy like daddy.
You're never fully dressed without a smile!
 I love you, too, buddy.
Dog Day Afternoon, Crawl for a Cause!
We had the oldest and the youngest bar crawlers. :)
With my little paw print!

Born animal lover.
This face is it!
One bouncy baby boy. 

The most contagious thing in the world, Tristan's smile. :-)
Tummy time on Daddy.
His future's so bright he's gotta wear shades.
Toes are fascinating for this little whale.
Cheeks for weeks.
Smiles and giggles for the Windy City!
The cutest brick in the wall.
In heaven there is no beer...
Kip supervising  playtime.
Best. Shoes. Ever.
Observant Izzy.
Family time on the floor at Grandpa's with the kitties!
Berta's new BFF, Scooter Boesen. It was love at first sniff.
(I couldn't resist including this cute photo of my baby girl!)
He barely does this, so it's really special when he does. ;)
Tummy time makes for the cutest faces!
Seriously, it doesn't get any cuter than this.
 Chick magnet, indeed.
 Giggles, laughs, smiles and rolls...
I have no idea how I manage to love this little guy more and more with each passing second, but I do. I cannot get enough of him!!

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