Thursday, January 16, 2014

Week 21


 It's hard to believe that we're now over the hump bump for bringing Louis V into the world! It seems like the weeks are just flying by, a pretty crazy feeling. 
Also a crazy feeling? The way the bump got HUGE between last week and this week! I guess it makes sense since the baby is growing like a weed in there during this time period of the pregnancy, but I'm still trying to get used to it...mostly when I put something on that fit me last week and now barely fits over the bump. About time to go maternity clothes shopping, I guess! (At least for work pants, I feel a little inappropriate knowing my pants are not only unbuttoned, but unzipped as well. It does make it easier for my frequent trips to the bathroom though!)

While the bump isn't great for my current wardrobe, it is great fun for the beagle. Berta really enjoys the new spot to rest her head, but I'm not sure Louis V enjoys listening to her chainsaw-style snoring.

When she's not deafening the baby with her ZZZZs, Berta is keeping watch on our sick kitty, Wrigley. 

He has pancreatitis and isn't doing so great. :( Fingers crossed that we can find some meds that work and get him better! 

 That's a little photo recap of our week, now for the Q&A:

How far along: 21 weeks 
Baby is the size of a: Carrot (which seems smaller than a banana to me, but these size references have been confusing all along!) He's about 10.5 inches long and weighs approx. 12 oz, he's getting big! He now has taste buds and can tell what I've been eating -- he picked a good time to develop those since I had Red Lantern for lunch and Bass Street for dinner yesterday! Louis V is eating well. ;) He's also got eyebrows and eyelids now, very exciting stuff!
Weight gain: Oh, I'd say 11 or 12 lbs.
Maternity clothes: No, but it's probably time.
Stretch marks: Nope!
Belly button in or out: In.
Sleep: I've been sleeping well, but I got a killer calf cramp last night. Time to double up on my banana intake.
Best moment this week: Getting back to the shelter to visit my other kids (aka the ones I want but can't bring home with me):

This is Robert Baratheon, an adoptable dog at the Humane Society of Scott County. He wanted me to be his new mommy (and I wanted to take on that roll), but he had to settle for a hugs and kisses. He really liked the baby! I highly recommend this handsome gentleman if you're looking to add four legs to your family! But please note, I will demand visitation rights. ;)

Worst moment this week: Multiple trips to the vet for Mr. Wrigley. And cleaning up after him at home. I think he's trying to prepare me for this baby!
Miss anything: Watching TV comfortably in bed, darn sore back and not being able to lay flat!
Movement: I don't feel like the movement has ramped up at all, he must be a sleepy fella like his dad?!
Cravings: Still waiting on those cornflake treats from Baba! (Just kidding, Mom!) No cravings really, but as the pounds start to pack on, I should probably try to eat as healthy as possible for my meals--they say the baby will like things he tasted in the womb, I don't want him coming out craving Little Caesar's Pizza!
Queasy or sick: Still feeling great and enjoying every minute of it!
Baby items of the week: Louis V got his first package in the mail!
 The Shlaes family sent him this #adorable onesie! Big thank you to Deedee, Marc, Molly and Kaley for thinking of the little guy, he's #superlucky to be loved so much!
Looking forward to: Girls night tomorrow with Wendi, Wendy and Jess! And hopefully to a full recovery by Wrigley as well.
Over the bump with the baby and over the hump for the work week!

1 comment:

  1. I am slacking! I need to get those cornflake treats made!!! SORRY!!! Another adorable blog post! Always the highlight of my week!!! Love you LV!! :-)
