Thursday, July 24, 2014


Time for the TWO MONTH post*!
He gets cuter every single day, but I wish there was a pause button because he's growing up too fast!

Since we're in a new location for this month's photos, I decided to switch it up a little and pose T-Max with his sheep friend. He enjoyed it so much that he wanted to hold the sheep's hand.
Baaaah, baby.

Being bashful or giving kisses?

He wouldn't be his mother's child if he didn't pose with animals!
Despite the looks from the fake smile, I know he loves it. ;-)

Tristan celebrated his 2-month birthday Vegas-style, up all night and with shots. Both are equally difficult for mama! 
Shots face!
Actual (post) shots face:
 So sad!! But, he took it like a champ and calmed himself down pretty darn quickly.
Statistics confirm what we already know, our boy is above average. ;-)
His head size is only in the 21%, still a little jellybean there!
At 2 MONTHS, Tristan...
...LOVES his baths!
...has found his hands and is figuring out how to suck his thumb. CONSTANTLY moving, I swear he runs marathons daily.
...coos and smiles often, melting the hearts of those around him!
...decided sleep is overrated and prefers to party at night (or at least be awake).
...looks adorable in blue. :)
...has outgrown his newborn clothes and diapers.
...weighs 12.2 lbs and is 23 3/4" long. the love of our lives!

Tristan is a man of many faces, he is so expressive and entertaining that it's hard not to just stare at him all day! 
Those lips though, so kissable!

*This post is lacking creativity and depth due to an unhappy, recently-vaccinated baby and a tired mama who's typing with one hand. I'm hoping to redeem myself next month!
And, in honor of National Cousin's Day, here are three cute cousins!
Can't wait to visit these smiling faces in Vegas!

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